
Ernst Wittner GmbH

When ants come to an agreement, they can transport elephants.

Old African saying

Plastic Injection & Tool Construction

IMPRINT & Data Protection


Company wording: Ernst Wittner GesmbH
Object of the company: Plastics processing
UID number: ATU14219601

Commercial register number: 126735a
Commercial register court: Vienna
Registered office: Missindorfstr. 21 1140 Vienna, 1140 Vienna

Contact details:
Tel: 0043 1 982 61 48
Fax: 0043 1 982 61 48 20
E-mail: office(@)

Memberships: WKO Vienna
Applicable legislation and access to it Commercial Court Vienna
Job title: Plastics processor
State of conferral: Austria


1 Legal Basis

1.1 The EU General Data Protection Regulation, the Data Protection Act 2000 and the Data Protection Amendment Act 2018 serve the right to protection of personal data. We process your data exclusively on the basis of the legal provisions (DSGVO, DSG 2018, TKG 2003).

2 Basic Information

2.1 The responsible person is Christian Bruckmueller / office (@)

2.2 We are particularly concerned to protect and keep safe all personal data that you entrust to us. In this document you will learn more about how we use and process your personal data.

3 Purpose, Legal Basis, Storage Period And Data Recipients

3.1 We need the collected personal data for contract fulfillment, billing, customer service purposes and for advertising purposes (mailings, invitations to events and the like). The data is collected, stored, processed and used for this purpose.
If no business or contract is concluded through the receipt of the data, it will be deleted immediately or at the latest according to the specifications of the processing directory.

3.2 The legal basis for the processing of your personal data are on the one hand contract performance, legitimate interests, the fulfillment of our legal or contractual obligations and on the other hand your consent. Failure to provide the data may have different consequences.
If you contact us via the website or by e-mail, the data you provide will be stored by us for six months for the purpose of processing the request and in case of follow-up questions. We do not pass on this data without your consent.

4 Consent And Right Of Revocation

4.1 If your consent is required for the processing of your data, we will process it only after your express consent.

4.2 In principle, we do not process data of minors and are not authorized to do so. By giving your consent, you confirm that you have reached the age of 14 or that you have the consent of your legal representative.

4.3 You can revoke your consent at any time at the following e-mail address: office (@) In such a case, the data previously stored about you will be anonymized and subsequently used only for statistical purposes without personal reference. By means of the revocation of consent, the lawfulness of the processing carried out on the basis of the consent until the revocation is not affected.

5 Data Security

5.1 Christian Bruckmüller uses technical and organizational security measures in order to protect the stored personal data against accidental or intentional manipulation, loss or destruction and against access by unauthorized persons. Our security measures are continuously improved in accordance with technical progress.

6 Your Rights

6.1 You have the right to obtain information from the responsible office(@) about the personal data concerned at any time. Insofar as there is no legal obligation to retain the data, you have the right to have this data deleted as well as to object to the processing. Furthermore, you have the right to correct the data as well as to restrict processing, to data portability as well as to lodge a complaint with the Austrian Data Protection Authority (Wickenburggasse 8-10, 1080 Vienna, e-mail:

6.2 Please contact us regarding your rights at office(@) or write to:

Christian Bruckmüller
Company Ernst Wittner GesmbH
Missindorfstr. 21
1140 Vienna